Must Reads for Divorcing Couples by Susan Lillis, Attorney at Law
My colleague, Susan Lillis from Ipswich, has compiled an invaluable list of “readings” in response to often asked questions. Please take the time to check out her fine work. Her office is located Ipswich River Place 4 South Main St., Suite 9, Ipswich, MA 01938 It’s been said that nothing can prepare you for…
Facing Divorce? Why is Collaborative Divorce better than Litigated Divorce?
The first step in facing divorce is to select the best divorce process for the two of you, for example, litigation or Collaboration (Collaborative Divorce). Of course, you each have different interests and goals; in litigation, a judge may dismiss them outright; that will not happen in Collaborative Divorce. The first step. Usually, it is…
PART TWO For PART ONE – WHY CONFIDENTIAL DEADLOCK ARBITRATIONsm Making the decision to arbitrate: Deadlock Arbitrationsm can be used to resolve deadlock arising out of the Collaborative or Mediation process. After deadlock, attorneys discuss arbitration with their clients. Pro se litigants discuss arbitration between themselves. If all agree, an Arbitration Agreement is executed. The…
Children and Christmas Visitation?
My colleage Susan Lillis has written an excellent article on the annual question of “How do we handle the children at Christmas time?” From my experience as a Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator and past GAL, I cannot stress the value of “divorcing families” developing their own holiday traditions which can be more beneficial than the “alternating scenario”.…
Need Referral to Experienced Lawyer
DO YOU KNOW A GOOD LAWYER WHO DOES INTER GALACTIC SPACE LAW? Actually, I don’t; but if you needed one, I would make the effort to find one. Besides providing arbitration, mediation and collaborative representation, I act as a Primary Care Attorney who can refer you to the experienced lawyer you need. Recently, I received…
Reducing the Cost of Divorce with Limited Assistance Representation (LAR)
By: Attorney Anthony C. Adamopoulos If you are facing divorce, you may be feeling a lot of uncertainty. If you are also having financial difficulties, you may feel more uncertainty. This post is intended to provide information and resources to help you understand a different alternative when facing divorce; an alternative that may give you…
Divorce Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – Arbitration or Mediation?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos (© 2014) The two most common divorce alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures are mediation and divorce arbitration. While each is an effective alternative, each serves a different purpose and each has its own format. Divorce mediation is a form of dispute negotiation between divorcing parties. It is led by a neutral…