If We Agree on Everything, How Long Does it Take to Get Through Divorce Mediation?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Lawyer Not very long at all. Here is the process: Make an appointment for you and your spouse through my office. You can usually get an appointment within a week. At the first session, about two hours, I will learn what agreements, you and your…
…USE LAR – LIMITED ASSISTANCE REPRESENTATION LAR lets you hire a specially trained and qualified LAR attorney to help with some of what you must do if you represent yourself, pro se. You Can Hire an LAR lawyer: to go to court with you just one time, or as many times as you want; to…
How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce Through Mediation?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Lawyer The time it takes to get “through” the Mediation Process initially depends on whether or not each party returns a properly completed Probate and Family Court Financial Statement. The Mediator needs a correct Financial Statement for many reasons. An insufficient Statement causes delay and increased…
What is the Difference Between Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Certified Collaborative Lawyer MEDIATION is an independent, voluntary, confidential process conducted by a mediator, who is neutral. Attorneys are not required. The mediator will: Assist you and your spouse in identifying those issues preventing settlement. Explore various avenues to resolution. Develop a settlement resolution acceptable to you…
Need a Lawyer Referral?
DO I KNOW A GOOD LAWYER WHO DOES INTER GALACTIC SPACE LAW? Actually, I don’t; but if you needed one, I would make the effort to find one for you. Besides providing arbitration, mediation and collaborative representation, I am a Primary Care Attorney who will refer you to the experienced lawyer you need. After receiving…
Divorce Arbitration is the Way to Go! So……
A decision of our Appeals Court, Gravlin v. Gravlin, is helpful for those facing divorce. For collaborative divorce attorneys and divorce mediators, the decision confirms that arbitration is the viable alternative to court litigation for resolving a single issue or even taking the place of a full court trial. In Gravlin, the Appeals Court acknowledged “… arbitration has long been recognized…
My Advice for Divorce Month
By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Arbitrator, Mediator & Collaborative Lawyer Divorce Month is almost here. In 2016, I saw one of the saddest, unnecessary, adversarial divorces ever. The cost in emotions, future harmony and money was enormous and unnecessary. So again, I urge everyone who is facing divorce to consider seriously staying out of…
Saving $$$$ When Facing Divorce — Financial Statements
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos In my over 25 years of helping people facing divorce, I have seen, in almost every divorce, a reoccurring client decision that results in wasting hundreds, and sometimes, thousands of dollars. What is that decision? The decision not to read and follow the court’s instructions on how to complete the court’s…
IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE FACING DIVORCE…this may help when they come to you for help. By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, arbitrator, mediator, collaborative attorney
Because people often wait until “after the holidays” to make the Decision to Divorce, February is Divorce Month. Since it is such an important Decision, I have put together this post on important considerations. If someone facing divorce comes to you, I hope this article will help. First Step – Think about how divorce will…
Mediation and Arbitration of Temporary Orders in Divorce by Howard Goldstein, Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Lawyer
For some time now, from time to time, I have sat in Family Court and watched as the ‘Motion Session’ played out. Litigants waiting, sometime for hours, to get “five minutes” to argue, for example, why Plaintiff needs “support” and why Defendant believes Plaintiff should not get the support. Or perhaps, mother and father have taken…