Great Client Review for Collaborative Divorce
Thanks, Anthony! You are definitely someone I have been grateful to have in my life over the past several months. I appreciate all of the guidance and support you’ve given me as I navigate through this. Enjoy your holiday! S – a present Collaborative Divorce client. Please call so I can help you. too. …
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator and Certified Collaborative Divorce Attorney. The Holiday Season is often followed by the Decision to Divorce. For couples with young children, their Decision can have an indelible and devastating effect on their children. Children often see divorce as the death of their family as they have known it. The…
Wait. There Are Different Ways to Get Divorced? The major divorce process choices explained: demystifying your options.
By Ann Buscho, Ph.D. This article was posted Feb 16, 2021 at the Psychology Today Blog: : A Better Divorce. Dr. Buscho is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in family issues and issues related to divorce, parenting, parenting planning, and co-parenting counseling. It is reprinted here with permission of Dr. Buscho. Learn more at www.drannbuscho.com …
What is a Collaborative Divorce Neutral Facilitator and Why is it Cost Effective to Use One?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos-Divorce Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Attorney, & Divorce Arbitrator Are you facing divorce and feeling sad, angry, or scared? Do you stay up at night thinking “This can’t be happening” or “How am I going to manage this?” If you use Collaborative Divorce, you will not be alone because a Collaborative Divorce Neutral…
What is Collaborative Divorce?
In Collaborative Divorce, you, your spouse, your lawyers and other Collaborative Team members make up the Collaborative Team. The Team has one goal, the efficient, collaborative resolution of all issues without trial, arbitration or the threat of either. This goal is accepted at the beginning by all Collaborative Team Members. The Collaborative Team will include…
Free Educational Program – Chart Your Course to a Better Divorce
North Shore Collaborative Divorce will present a free educational program “Chart Your Course to a Better Divorce” addressing how the collaborative divorce process may be a better way to divorce. The educational program will review the basic legal, emotional and financial issues commonly encountered during the divorce process. Collaborative divorce takes a team approach. The…
By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Divorce Attorney No. Massachusetts is an Equitable Division state. This means a judge determines what is a fair division of the assets and it may not be 50/50. The law provides a list of certain factors a judge must consider in “fixing the nature and value…
Why Collaborative Divorce is Different & Better
By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator & Collaborative Lawyer THE DIFFERENCE: The Collaborative Divorce Process is so much better because it is the only process where the attorneys are committed, by written agreement, to concentrate on settlement, AND, if they cannot get a settlement, they cannot represent you in litigation. The difference is truly…
How to Save Money when Divorcing
By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Attorney ©2020 In every divorce there are non-law issues. Some are as basic as “Who gets the college chest”? or as complicated as “Where will the children primarily live”? Attorneys and smart parties are now using professional neutrals (also called coaches) to save money and still resolve…