What does Collaborative Divorce Mean?
Traditional divorce practice requires each attorney, in all interactions with clients and the opposing lawyer, to always be preparing for a divorce trial and, at the same time, always be attuned to settling the divorce. Collaborative Divorce turns traditional divorce upside down by obligating each attorney and client to have only one goal – the…
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Collaborative Divorce Attorney During this pandemic, Collaborative Divorce Attorneys and Neutrals are providing this wonderful service in a COVID sensitive way. They provide this service through a Collaborative Team, which achieves resolution quickly, safely and for less. The Team consists of each client, their respective attorneys and the neutrals. What…
by Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Attorney You, usually, do not need an attorney or Financial Neutral at all mediation sessions when there are three or less issues and no issue of credibility of income or property reporting. But, in two situations you need help. First, you need help when the issues include…
COVID-19-The Divorce Rate and Cutting the Cost of Divorce
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos Topsfield Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Divorce attorney. According to the New York Times, the experience of other countries suggests the ravages of COVID-19 will lead us to more divorces. And, according to the Pew Research Center, divorce itself is contagious. For example, if you divorce, the chances become higher that your…
Conference-Call-Mediation in the Time of COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic affects all of us; and when it comes to the divorce process, it presents a dilemma. It is important to move forward; and yet, what about the crisis? I am sensitive to the constraints of the virus and that is why I instituted Conference-Call-Mediation or CCM. CCM will help you and your…
What is the Difference Between Imputed Income and Attributed Income?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Attorney Imputed and attributed income are distinguished in the Child Support Guidelines, 2018. Imputed income is income that is not reported on a parent’s Financial Statement but is nevertheless being received by or available to the parent. One appellate court decision has said: A judge may…
The Holidays are Over and We Need to Get This Divorce Behind Us
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Certified Divorce Mediator and Certified Collaborative Divorce Attorney Listen folks, the holidays are over and the two of you are still facing the divorce problem. It is time and it is best, for the two of you and your kids to get this divorce thing behind you. It is hard to…
My Spouse is Hiding income. Is that Imputed Income?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Attorney Yes, it may be. Imputed income is an amount that a judge assigns to your spouse when your spouse’s Financial Statement does not report the assigned income.This comes up when you are able to show the judge at least one of two types of evidence…
How Does a Judge Set Alimony?
By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Attorney and Divorce Arbitrator Alimony is based on: the need of the recipient, the payor’s ability to pay it and a cap on the amount to be paid. To determine need, the judge must consider: marriage length; age and health of the parties; income, employment and employability…
What is a Collaborative Divorce Neutral Facilitator and Why is it Cost Effective to Use One?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos-Divorce Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Attorney, & Divorce Arbitrator Are you facing divorce and feeling sad, angry, or scared? Do you stay up at night thinking “This can’t be happening” or “How am I going to manage this?” If you use Collaborative Divorce, you will not be alone because a Collaborative Divorce Neutral…