Category: considering divorce

  • Supreme Judicial Court Says Wife Does Not Get More Alimony Just Because Husband’s Income Goes Up

    By:  Attorney Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Law practitioner. ©2017 In a September 25th decision, the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) affirmed an often misunderstood legal tenet i.e., just because the alimony paying ex-spouse starts making more money, the receiving ex-spouse does not automatically get an increase in alimony. In the year before…

  • New Child Support Guidelines Pay Lower Support With More Parenting Time – No More

    By:  Anthony C. Adamopoulos The current “old” Child Support Guidelines provided a separate child support calculation where, for example, the father shared “financial responsibility and parenting time” of greater than one-third but less than fifty percent of the time. This usually meant that if, for example, the father was with his children more than one-…

  • My Advice for Divorce Month

    By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Arbitrator, Mediator & Collaborative Lawyer   Divorce Month is almost here. In 2016, I saw one of the saddest, unnecessary, adversarial divorces ever. The cost in emotions, future harmony and money was enormous and unnecessary. So again, I urge everyone who is facing divorce to consider seriously staying out of…

  • IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE FACING DIVORCE…this may help when they come to you for help. By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, arbitrator, mediator, collaborative attorney

    Because people often wait until “after the holidays” to make the Decision to Divorce, February is Divorce Month. Since it is such an important Decision, I have put together this post on important considerations. If someone facing divorce comes to you, I hope this article will help. First Step – Think about how divorce will…

  • Mediation and Arbitration of Temporary Orders in Divorce by Howard Goldstein, Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

    For some time now, from time to time, I have sat in Family Court and watched as the ‘Motion Session’ played out. Litigants waiting, sometime for hours, to get “five minutes” to argue, for example, why Plaintiff needs “support” and why Defendant believes Plaintiff should not get the support. Or perhaps, mother and father have taken…

  • Lowering My Hourly Rate by Attorney Joryn Jenkins

    Here is a real testament to the value of Collaborative divorce from a divorce trial attorney who has seen more of the negative side to court divorce than an any non lawyer could ever see. If you are facing divorce, a few minutes reading this opinion piece by divorce trial attorney Joryn Jenkins could have…

  • Must Reads for Divorcing Couples by Susan Lillis, Attorney at Law

    My colleague, Susan Lillis from Ipswich, has compiled an invaluable list of “readings” in response to often asked questions. Please take the time to check out her fine work. Her office is located Ipswich River Place 4 South Main St., Suite 9, Ipswich, MA 01938   It’s been said that nothing can prepare you for…

  • “Who does court trials anymore?”

    By Anthony C. Adamopoulos (© 2015) So the city-attorney and the country-attorney were talking when the country-attorney raised concerns about her upcoming divorce trial: Country-attorney: – I hope we get the scheduled judge, I hope it goes off as scheduled, etc., etc. City-attorney: -Who does court trials anymore? Country-attorney: What do you mean? What do…


    PART TWO For PART ONE – WHY CONFIDENTIAL DEADLOCK ARBITRATIONsm Making the decision to arbitrate: Deadlock Arbitrationsm can be used to resolve deadlock arising out of the Collaborative or Mediation process. After deadlock, attorneys discuss arbitration with their clients. Pro se litigants discuss arbitration between themselves. If all agree, an Arbitration Agreement is executed. The…


    PART ONE   What is Deadlock Arbitration? Deadlock Arbitrationsm   is a private confidential process that avoids the need to “change over” to public court litigation when divorce mediation or Collaborative Divorce reaches a total breakdown. What causes deadlock? Deadlock results from a party refusing to move from a position. For example, consider this scenario: After…

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